Sunday, April 17, 2011


Lately I just have not felt inspired to add to this blog.  Today I realized why.  I am drained physically all the time, which makes me drained emotionally, and ultimately drained Spiritually.   

I started this blog as a way of processing the things that God is teaching me.  Me, a child of God.  Processing all of the little life lessons He has for me.  Especially the lessons that arise as I grow with my child.

But lately, being drained, I have very little to give.  Some of that is the simple fact that I am pregnant and any excess energy goes toward growing a child in my womb.  A quite active child, I might add.  I could actually come up with a pretty good list of excuses for the exhaustion, like the second wave of construction in our home, potty-training (it has been a definite chore... I feel like I am nursing all over again), projects intended to bless others, launching a new Bible study through our church... But none of it really justifies my Spiritual exhaustion. 

I rely on so many different things to restore me... alone time, completed projects, affirmation from others, support from my husband, long naps, good books, conversations with friends... Only God is able to restore me in the way that I need.  No earthly thing will do the trick. 

God is the only source of hope, of joy, of energy.  Today I am stretched thin from giving in so many ways.  Lord, be my Source.

There I will go to the altar of God, to God—the source of all my joy.
I will praise you with my harp, O God, my God! 
Psalm 43:4

You are my refuge and my shield; your word is my only source of hope. 
Psalm 119:114

All praise to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
He is the source of every mercy and the God who comforts us. 
2 Corinthians 1:3


  1. blessings to you. God is DEFINITELY your source...above all else, it's HIM! You're in my prayers!

  2. Amen, sister!

    Praying for you too. : )



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